Arthur Umbach:怎样分辨神的旨意/黄仿译

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2010年10月12日,在新泽西一个叫Clark的小镇上,北美路德会的牧师大会进入了第二天。这是一个阳光灿烂的日子,昨晚“盛大”的崇拜和今天深刻的交通,给我留下了极为深刻的印象。而在今天的晨祷(Martins)中,有一只小鸟飞进了教堂,清脆的鸣叫声和我们的赞美形成有趣的呼应。在午间休息的时候,我则抓紧机会游历教堂的周边环境。后面所附的照片基本上都是在这个时候拍摄的。路德会(LCMS)显然不是“洛桑大会”的成员。这次牧师大会(GPC)2010年10月在美国新泽西举行,同样具有“继往开来”的意义和“普世宣道”的关切。10月12日两位特约讲员对“目前的形势我们的任务”提出了诸多深刻的建议,也涉及到教会、特别是牧者在侍奉中经常遇到的问题。不过我很坦白地与Rev. R. Richard Armstrong谈到了我的担忧:他的话题是Effective Ministry in Times of Transition,我觉得如果神学过于“处境化”是危险的;我们必须始终坚信神的道对具有任何特色的罪人(年龄或种族)都是一律有效的;对Transition的深入关切无非是将世俗小学引进来帮助基督。这里面的价值不是很大。事实上在上个月多伦多一次华人牧者退修会上,我提出了同样的问题。Rev. R. Richard Armstrong来自福罗里达,在美国当代一些重大的悲剧性事件中有杰出的侍奉。他关于美国已经沦落为“世界上第三大无神论国家”的评论,给我极大的触动——目前美国90%的教会进入衰败,只有18.7%的美国人去教会崇拜;每周就有50间教会关门,而现在的教会平均人数大约只有75人……

这几天我也收到了国内一些传道人的来信,谈到了当前的一些热点。其中对加尔文主义保有热情的一封来信对我的博客最近的两篇文章作出了反应。其中谈到了两个问题:第一、路德教会在纳粹德国曾经支持希特勒的反犹主义;言下之意是,因此,加尔文主义更好。第二、迪特里希•朋霍费尔(Dietrich Bonhoeffer,1906-1945)是一位伟大的牧师,来信因此批评我不应该说政治牧师是假牧师;这个观点似乎还暗示,马丁-路德-金也是一位伟大的牧师。我想在这里回答三个问题。第一、政治新闻热点和教会没有直接真理上的关联,因此我对这些事情没有什么兴趣。正如安提阿教会没有必要就该撒那里出了什么事件发去贺信或抗议信一样;若拿着基督去祝贺或抗议,则是渎神的。该撒和他的批评者都需要认罪悔改,而且,“若不悔改,都要如此灭亡”。路加福音13:1-5是一段非常相关的信息:“正当那时,有人将彼拉多使加利利人的血搀杂在他们祭物中的事,告诉耶稣。耶稣说,你们以为这些加利利人比众加利利人更有罪,所以受这害吗?我告诉你们,不是的。你们若不悔改,都要如此灭亡。从前西罗亚楼倒塌了,压死十八个人,你们以为那些人比一切住在耶路撒冷的人更有罪吗? 我告诉你们,不是的。你们若不悔改,都要如此灭亡”。若要为这个事件安排些世俗的解读,可以归结于四个方面:个人坚持的报偿、“崛起”引起的围观效应、11年愚蠢造成的众怒,以及奥巴马获奖造成的滞后逆反。第二、支持反犹主义绝非路德会的整体观点;如Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, the Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Hanover以及the Lutheran Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Württemberg,都拒绝与当时的“政治基督徒”German Christian合作。不仅如此,政治正确性和真理正确性不是一个问题;神的道路永远高于人的道路——圣经所说的公义和羞辱未必是人所自以为是或不是的公义和羞辱。此外,对历史事件的评价要有历史感,不能用加尔文主义风行的国家奉行绥靖政策因此就否定这个国家盛行的神学;何况过去的神学未必等同于今天的神学。第三、Dietrich Bonhoeffer本人恰恰是路德会的牧师,这一点正是中国很多“文化基督徒”所不知道的。不过尽管如此,Dietrich Bonhoeffer的神学和个人行动,也远远不能代表真理。我敬佩这位神学家,但他的很多神学观点和激进主义反应显然是违背圣经的。同样,我不能因为政治哲学宣布马丁-路德-金有多伟大,我就鹦鹉学舌地宣布他在上帝面前一定是一个义人。圣经的启示是我们看问题和人的唯一标准。需要说明的是,文化基督徒的想法背后有一种“美国精神”作为“合理化背景”;但美国精神并不等于基督精神,这是我们必须说明的一个常识。我们已经看见了这种精神与北美教会衰落之间的联系。

相对来说,另外一位讲员的分享给了我更多的帮助。Rev. Arthur Umbach.是Director of Spiritual Life for the Southeastern District(LCMS)。他先带领众位牧师返回创世纪第三章,去认识从那里开始的“魔鬼的四大哲学”。这是一个非常深刻的洞见,也给了我一些激动人心的看见。每当圣灵将神的话语在你面前打开,那种幸福和快乐是情不自禁的。我借着这种感动到教堂周围的丛林中继续思考这段信息,并在返回来的时候与Rev. Arthur Umbach分享了我的回应。一方面,创世纪3:1-4可以总结出魔鬼的五大神学,他没有把“神岂是真说”上升到“怀疑主义”的层面去注意,确实是一个遗憾。不仅如此,夏娃和亚当的反应也需要给予同等分量的重视,否则,全部归罪于魔鬼,就成了人逃避上帝审判的经典借口。另一方面,这段信息和启示录1:1之间有神学上的呼应,这是需要特别注意的。我将在本周末多伦多的布道会上进一步讨论这个话题。不过Rev. Arthur Umbach关于“怎样分辨神的旨意”的领受,有高度的针对性和实践性。我和他商议将段文字发表在我的博客上(我这段时间太忙了,没有时间翻成中文)。这次牧师大会也使我思想“开会文明”这个问题,我常常想中国人几乎还没有进入这种文明。这次神学会议每个与会者都是举手发言,没有抢着发言的;更没有因为别人意见与自己不一样就“我再补充补充”的。这是在讨论什么是真理,而不是要显示我是谁。因此即使在讨论中也能看见彼此相爱的见证。发言者都简明扼要,这是对听众真正的尊重;讲员绝不超时,能很好地掌握时间。此外,就是与会者和与会组织者的节俭;没有人滥用奉献;就连出席会议者的名牌回收起来,要明年再用。更令我感动的是,我的房间有三位牧师同住,其中两位挤在一张床上。而他们对各样规则的高度敬守,实在值得我学而时习之。愿荣耀和赞美都归给我们共同的主,阿门!


Discerning God’s Will  Rev. Arthur Umbach

Romans 12:1-2, I appeal to you therefore, brothrers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

To “discern” means to “shift through”, or “to separate”. Its roots also share origin with the roots of the word” to harvest”. The image of seperating wheat from chaff comes to mind. Or, like Michelangelo shaping a block of stone into an awesome piece of art, we can chisel away that which is not useful or untrue from the pure isdom of Spirit. In discernment, we rest on the promise of God that “where two or three are gathered in my name , there am I with them”.

Therefore,Spiritual Discenment (or “Listening Prayer”) is a prayerful, informed, and intentional effort to distingguish God’s voice from other voices that influence us. It is seeking the deepest yearnings of God’s heart for us and for our group or congragation. It is a gift of the Spirit.

In the Book, Discening God’s will Together, Danny E. Morris and Chatles M. Olsen (Upper  Room Books, 1998, p. 12) say, “Reasoned discourse or discussion all too often becomes a process in which people pool their ignorance, value expediency, enter into political tradeoffs, engage in power plays, and rush to judgment; often the group divids into winners and losers with residual feeling of joy and pain. The process of spiritual discernment draws us befond our own limited reason to seek divine presence and insight.”

How did the early church do disernment and reach a consensus? 1. They allowed the Holy Spirit to be their guide; 2. They “devoled themselves” to prayer, teaching, and the LORD’s Supper (Acts2:42); 3. They were one in heart and mind (Acts4:32).

A Discernment Process

  1. Preparation For Discernment

-You may find it helpful to set up a simple altar with a candle in the center of a circle of chairs. Your focus is on God and His movement in your heart and mind.

-Define the issue, decision, or question that is before you. Everyone should be clear on the issue or decision you are placing before God.

-Gather good data and basic factual information , identifying alternatives and possibillities. This might include a sharing of pros and cons without debate of judgment. This is not a time to “figure out” the answer or “convince others” what is right.

-Ask any clariying questions and seek the information you might need.

-Trust: Maintain a“holy indifference”to the outcome, laying aside all personal agendas, biases, and prejudices. Be willing to leave the outcome to God’s direction and to be obedient to the results.

-Consider some Scriptures that seem to speak to this issue. Choose one or two passages to mediatate upon as you ask the Holy Spirit to guide your reflecations.(e.g. James1:5-8, 1king3:5, 9-14; Romans12:2; Ephesians5:17) God’s Word is essential to discernment.

  1. Prayer of Discernment

-Quiet yourself of any distractions and open yourself to the Spirit’s leading . “Breathing Prayer” can be helpful.

-Spend quiet time in personal reflection and prayer, listening to God’s “tugging” and hints of HIs direction. (no less than 15 miutes) After this time of prayerful silence, each person writes down the option, direction or guidance that came to them.

-Share with the group what you have heard and felt in your reflection time. Dialogue about it. Don’t debate contributions, but instead listen for how the Spirit may be speaking through them. At this stage there is no right or wrong, but rather a desire to hear God. Frequently, insight and wisdom come in the dialogue. Spend more time listening than sharing.

-Identify the unifying themes that have emerged out of this process. A lack of group clarity may indicate that further information and prayer is needed.

-Wait for God’s timing. Often there is silence during the wait. Continue to ask God for direction as you wait.

-Prayerfully name the resolution that seems to be appearing before you. Consider whether or not you have heard the Spirit clearly enough to act at this time.

-Remember to keep a holy indifference to the outcome, willing to receive new ideas and consider them.

-When consensus begins to form, continue to offer all decisions and plans to God for reshaping.

-Watch for and expect further confirmation of what you have discerned.

-Conclude with a prayer of thankgiving and a reaffirmation of the group’s commitment to carrying out the decision.

-Feel free to stop and take time to silently reflect throughout this process. The experience of discernment takes time. We surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit who we trust is in control. By the Spirit we come to rest and peace.

-Remember, these is no “right way” to do discernment. God is pleased with our desire to seek His will and will bless our efforts.

Fenhagen, James C. Ministry and Solitude. NY: Seabury Press, 1981

Olson, Charles M. Transforming Church Boards Into Communities of Spiritual Leaders. Alban Institute, 1995.

Oswald, Roy and Friedrich. Discerning Your Congregation’s Future. Alban Institute.

Palmer, Parker J. The Clearness Committee: A Communal Approach to Discernment. Weaving, September, 1991 (article)

怎样分辨神的旨意/黄仿 译




在“一起分辨神的旨意”一书中,Danny E. Morris and Chatles M. Olsen (Upper  Room Books, 1998, p. 12) 说: “理性的话语或讨论都往往令人们把他们的无知,价值偏好等带进来,之后导入政治权衡,玩弄权术,以致很快就进行判断。结果一个团体经常分裂成为只感觉到兴奋的赢家和痛苦的输家两派。而属灵的分辨过程把我们带到超过我们理性极限之外神圣存在和洞见。”









-考虑一些跟议题有关的经文。当你们需要寻求圣灵指引你的反思的时候选择一到两段信息来默想。(例如:雅各书1:5-8, 列王记上3:5, 9-14; 罗马书12:2; 以弗所书5:17)神的话语对分辨过程是很重要的。















Fenhagen, James C. Ministry and Solitude. NY: Seabury Press, 1981

Olson, Charles M. Transforming Church Boards Into Communities of Spiritual Leaders. Alban Institute, 1995.

Oswald, Roy and Friedrich. Discerning Your Congregation’s Future. Alban Institute.

Palmer, Parker J. The Clearness Committee: A Communal Approach to Discernment. Weaving, September, 1991 (article)


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