


October 1, 2024

Ascension Lutheran Church




Call on the Diocese to immediately remove Waldemar R. Vinovskis and Charles St-Onge

An open letter to resign from the pastorate of LCMS-SELC (SMP) at the same time


Dear pastors, brothers and sisters:

In view of Charles St-Onge’s long-term collusion with people in the Chinese Communist Party to persecute, accuse and frame me; in view of Waldemar R. Vinovskis’ long-term connivance and participation in all these evils; in view of the comprehensive destruction of the church ministry in Montreal caused by the above-mentioned evils over the past few years; In view of the long-term racist prejudice and arrogance displayed by the above two gentlemen; in view of their refusal within the given period of time to publicly apologize for intimidation, false accusations and slander; therefore:

  1. I and 70 Lutherans from this Chinese Congregation will withdraw from SELC immediately;

2 I urge all District colleagues to take action to drive these two evil men out.

The three charges filed by Charles St-Onge in collusion with Waldemar R. Vinovskis have long been lies of the devil:

  1. Different interpretations of certain verses of the Book of Concord are deliberately bent into comprehensive negations.

2 knowingly fabricated my conviction by the Montreal Police Department, but shamelessly refused to apologize after being corrected.

3 This interpretation of SPM ministry denies the basic definition of pastoral ministry in the Bible itself. These additions are cursed (Revelation 22:18-19).

The papal persecution of Luther is being repeated today, which is a disgrace to the Lutheran diocese. Today, one of the reasons for the moral decay in the Western world, including the United States, is that the church is losing its ability to renew and its testimony of righteousness. Finally, we hope that the Lutheran Church will rebuild its humility and passion for the truth and reflect deeply on the condoning of the above-mentioned sins over the past many years.

And we, a small group of people, will continue to bear witness for Christ in these last days based on biblical truth; at the same time, a global District is being formed. Finally, I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters in the District and Ascension Lutheran Church who support me and love the truth. No darkness or fornication can ever cover the light and truth.


In the name of Christ

Chunlin Hu

A true Lutheran Pastor

Pastor of Montreal Chinese Christian Church

Founder and advocate of the Christianity Reconstruction