

We believe that the Scriptures teach that God’s grace in Christ Jesus is universal, embracing all people of all times and all places. There is no sin for which Christ has not died. Says the Formula of Concord (1577),”We must by all means cling rigidly and firmly to the fact that as the proclamation of repentance extends over all men (Luke 24:47), so also does the promise of the Gospel . . . . Christ has taken away the sin of the world (John 1:29)” (FC SD XI, 28). Therefore, there need be no question in any sinner’s mind whether Christ has died for each and every one of his or her personal sins.

The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord XI. Election

28] Therefore, if we wish to consider our eternal election to salvation with profit, we must in every way hold sturdily and firmly to this, that, as the preaching of repentance, so also the promise of the Gospel is universalis (universal), that is, it pertains to all men, Luke 24:47. For this reason Christ has commanded that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations. For God loved the world and gave His Son, John 3:16. Christ bore the sins of the world, John 1:29, gave His flesh for the life of the world, John 6:51; His blood is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 1:7; 2:2. Christ says: Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Matt. 11:28. God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that He might have mercy upon all, Rom. 11:32. The Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, 2 Pet. 3:9. The same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him, Rom. 10:12. The righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ, unto all and upon all them that believe, Rom. 3:22. This is the will of Him that sent Me, that every one that seeth the Son and believeth on Him may have everlasting life, John 6:40. Likewise it is Christ’s command that to all in common to whom repentance is preached this promise of the Gospel also should be offered Luke 24:47; Mark 16:15.

路德教会神学家F.Pieper对加尔文教义的严厉批判(均摘自Pieper的Christian Dogmatics)

Universal Grace

Justifying grace is universal (gratia universalis). The unmerited favor and love of God in Christ Jesus extends not merely to some (the elect), but to all men without exception. Gratia Dei salvifica erga homines lapsos non particularism sed universalis est. This paramount truth Scripture teaches in all passages in which it declares a) that Christ is the Savior of the whole world, of all men, John 3, 16 ; 1, 29 ; 1 John 2, 2 ; 1 Tim. 2, 4 ; Titus 2, 11 ; b) that God earnestly desires that each individual person be saved, 2 Pet. 3,9; Ezek. 33, 11; 18,23.32; c) that salvation has been secured even for those who reject the grace of God and are thus lost on account of their unbelief, Matt. 23, 37 ; Acts 7, 51 ; 1 Cor. 8, 11 ;2 Pet. 2, 1.The universality of divine grace is denied by all who limit the purpose and efficacy of divine grace to the elect (particularism, gratia particularis) .

These errorists may be divided into three groups: a) Supralapsarians: God decreed to create some to damnation; b) Infralapsarians: God decreed to leave some in the state of damnation into which they had fallen through their own fault (praeteritio) ; c) Amyraldists: God indeed offers grace to all, but bestows faith only upon the elect.

Every form of particularism is anti-Scriptural, being based upon the fallacy that, since not all men are actually saved, God does not desire the salvation of all. Misled by their error, all particularists claim that the term world (John 3, 16; 1, 29) signifies “the elect,” and they substitute for God’s universal counsel of grace (1 Tim. 2,4) a voluntas signi, in opposition to which stands His voluntas beneplaciti. That is to say, God indeed wishes to save all men according to that will which He has revealed in Scripture (voluntas signi, the revealed will) ; but by His secret will (voluntas beneplaciti, the will of His purpose), which is not revealed in Scripture, He wishes to save only the elect.

According to Calvinistic doctrine, God, in the final analysis, is the cause why some are not saved, while Scripture expressly teaches that those who are not saved perish through their unbelief, or rejection of divine grace, Luke 7, 30 ; Acts 13, 46 ; 7, 51 ; Matt. 23, 37. Charles Hodge writes : “It cannot be supposed that God intends what is never accomplished; that He purposes what He does not intend to effect. … If all men are not saved, God never purposed their salvation and never devised, and put into operation, means designed to accomplish that end. We must assume that the result is the interpretation of the purposes of God.” (Systematic Theol., II, 323.)

In order to support the doctrine of particularism, the Synod of Dort (1618 — 19) declared that God can never be resisted whenever He earnestly offers His grace to men (irresistible grace). But also this doctrine is anti-Scriptural ; for Scripture affirms that the operation of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel can be resisted, Acts 7, 51; Matt. 23, 37, though the operation is itself one of divine power, Eph. 1, 19. 20. As in the realm of grace God can be resisted when He works through means, so also in the realm of nature ; for life, which is originated and sustained alone by divine omnipotence, Acts 17, 28, can nevertheless be destroyed by feeble man. God indeed cannot be resisted when He deals with man in His sovereign majesty (Luther: in nuda maiestate, Matt. 25, 31 ff.); but when He approaches man through means, resistance on his part is always possible.

If the objection is raised that God becomes the cause of a sinner’s damnation at least in eases where He hardens his heart (cf. the divine judgment of obduration), we reply that according to Scripture God very earnestly offers His grace even to those who harden their hearts, Rom. 10, 21 ; Ex. 5, Iff. The divine judgment of obduration is never absolute or arbitrary; God hardens only those who first have hardened themselves by resisting His Word And will, Rom. 11, 7. 20.


Holy Scripture sets forth most emphatically the sola gratia and the universalis gratia; that is to say, sinners are saved solely by grace, and divine grace desires the salvation of all sinners. This being true, the question arises: “Why, then, are not all men saved ?” The proposed explanation that the difference lies in men (aliquid discrimen in homine), since some are better than others, is most strenuously denied by God’s Word, which declares that all men by nature are in the same guilt (in eadem culpa). Rom. 3, 22 — 24: “For there is no difference ; for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”

With the same emphasis Holy Scripture denies also the Calvinistic explanation that God has eternally predetermined some to damnation. Hence it is clear that Holy Scripture does not answer the question Cur alii, alii nonf This does not mean that Holy Scripture does not give us any information with regard to the question of salvation and damnation. It tells us clearly that, if sinners are saved, they are saved solely by grace and that, if they are lost, they are lost through their own fault. Nevertheless, when we compare two individual sinners, as David and Saul, or Peter and Judas, and ask, “Why was the one saved and the other not?” (Cur alii prae aliisf), this question remains unanswered. Nor is it proper for the Christian theologian to endeavor to answer the question ; for in that case he must draw on human reason to decide what is properly a matter of divine revelation. Attempts to solve the particular point in question have resulted either in Calvinism, the denial of universal grace, or in synergism, the denial of grace alone. But the Christian theologian must affirm both the universalis gratia and the sola gratia. In the system of Christian doctrine therefore lacunae, or doctrinal “missing links,” must be admitted, as St. Paul himself declares when he writes : “We know in part, and we prophesy in part,” 1 Cor. 13, 9. The Christian theologian must know and teach in part only, that is, only as the divine truths which he is to inculcate are clearly set forth in Holy Scripture.


The doctrine of election will be treated at greater length under its proper head. Here we refer to it only inasmuch as it belongs to the eternal decrees of God. But in passing, we may say that from the eternal decree of predestination there must be excluded every form of synergism (denial of the sola gratia) and every form of Calvinism (denial of the gratia universalis). For this reason we affirm a) God did not choose the elect in view of their faith (intuitu fidei), and b) God did not predestinate any one to damnation, but earnestly desires all men to be saved (vocatio seria). The apparent discrepancy between particular election (electio particularis) and universal grace (gratia universaiis) we acknowledge as a mystery, which is indeed beyond reason, but which we should neither criticize nor try to explain. All attempts to harmonize the two doctrines have resulted either in synergism (the elect were chosen in view of their better conduct, which is opposed to Eom. 3, 22. 23) or in Calvinism (God does not desire to save all, which is opposed to John 3, 16 ; 2 Cor. 5, 19. 20 ; 2 Pet. 3, 9 ; Acts 17, 30; 1 Tim. 4, 2). The Formula of Concord rightly says: “However, since God has reserved this mystery for His wisdom and has revealed nothing to us concerning it in His Word, much less commanded us to investigate it with our thoughts, but has earnestly discouraged us therefrom, Eom. 11, 33 ff., we should not reason in our thoughts, draw conclusions, nor inquire curiously into these matters, but should adhere to His revealed Word, to which He points us.” (Thor.Decl., XI, 55.)

Dr. A. L. Graebner summarizes the decree of predestination as follows: “The decree of predestination is an eternal act of God (Eph. 1, 4 ; 3, 11 ; 2 Tim. 1, 9 ; 2 Thess. 2, 13), who for His goodr nestf sake (2 Tim. 1, 9; Rom. 9, 11; 11, 5) and because of the merit of the foreordained Redeemer of all mankind (Eph. 1, 4; 3,11) purposed to lead into everlasting life (Acts 13,48; 2 Tim. 2,10; Eom. 8, 28. 29), by the way and means of salvation designated for all mankind (Eph. 1, 4. 5 ; 1 Pet. 1, 2), a certain number (Acts 13,48; Matt. 20, 16; 22,14) of certain persons (2 Tim. 2, 19 ; John 13, 18) and to procure, work, and promote what would pertain to their final salvation (Rom. 8, 30 ; Eph. 1, 11 ; 3, 10. 11 ; Mark 13, 20. 22).” {Outlines of Doctrinal Theology, § 51.)


Also with respect to the heathen we must maintain the gratia universalis because Holy Scripture includes all men in the gracious counsel of salvation. To deny the clear Scripture-teaching of universal grace because many heathen have never received the Gospel of salvation is an offense against the very divine grace which has enriched the world with the saving truth, Mark 16, 15. 16 ; Matt. 28, 19. On the basis of Scripture we therefore believe that God’s gracious will extends to the heathen also, though actually thousands of them perish without the Gospel. Nor are we to assume that the heathen are saved without the divinely appointed means of grace, Eph. 2, 12, since Holy Scripture teaches that the means of grace (the Word and the Sacraments) are appointed for the salvation of all sinners, Mark 16, 15. 16 ; Matt. 28, 19. 20. The opinion that the heathen may be converted after death is anti-Scriptural, Heb. 9, 27. The passage 1 Pet. 3, 18 ff. does not treat of salvation possible after death, but of the condemnation of those who during their life on earth refused to accept the saving Word of God.


Against Calvinism. Calvinism teaches persistently that it is impossible for those who have once been endowed with faith to lose it again, even if they should commit enormous crimes (peccata enormia). Its claim is that, while the exercise of faith (exercitium fidei) may cease, faith itself never ceases. Calvin: Tenendum est, quantumvis exigua sit ac debilis in electis fides, quia tamen Spiritus Dei certa Mis arrha est ac sigillum suae adop- tionis, nunquam ex eorum cordibus deleri posse eius scvlpturam.

{Inst., II, 2, 12.)

The doctrine of the inamissibility of faith is taught by the Calvinists to remove the uncertainty which the individual Eeformed believer must feel with respect to his state of grace in view of the fact that he dare not believe in universal grace (gratia universalis).

Luther, on the other hand, who affirmed the gratia universalis, taught also the Scriptural doctrine of the amissibility of faith, 1 Cor. 10, 12; Luke 8, 13; Is. 1, 2. • The Augsburg Confession (Art. XII) teaches: “They condemn the Anabaptists, who deny that those once justified can lose the Holy Ghost.” Those who were troubled about their state of grace, Luther comforted with the gracious promises of God in Christ Jesus, revealed and offered in the Gospel to all sinners, Titus 2, 11, and not with any “past or present experience of Christ’s presence and indwelling in the heart/’ as the Calvinists do.

Luther’s method alone is Scriptural; for not only does the Gospel truly comfort all alarmed sinners, but it is also the divine means by which those who have fallen from grace may be restored to faith in Christ, Rom. 10, 17. It goes without saying that all who deny the gratia universalis are unable to console despairing sinners with the gracious Gospel promises. Since they teach particular grace (gratia particularis), it is impossible for them to assure the individual sinner that God’s grace is seriously meant for him. By a fortunate inconsistency the practise of Calvinistic preachers is often better than is their theory.


It is true, Calvinism speaks of the Word and the Sacraments also as “signs,” “symbols,” etc., of divine grace (signa, symbola, tesserae, sigilla; Conf. Helv., II, c. 19; Conf. Belgica, Art. 33). But as long as it holds that divine grace is particular and that the same signs may be “signs of salvation” and “signs of condemnation,” the believer must forever remain in doubt regarding his state of grace, since he cannot determine whether the signum or sigillum in his case means salvation or damnation. Hence he is obliged to put his hope for salvation in the interior illuminatio, or in the inward illumination of his heart; and that, after all, is nothing else than the gratia infusa.

However, the case is still more serious. The Calvinistic denial of universal grace and of the Scriptural doctrine of the means of grace destroys also the Scriptural doctrine of saving faith and saving grace. A faith that does not rely solely on the gracious promises of the Gospel is not true faith in the sense of Scripture, but only a mere fancy (Einbildung). According to the express teaching of the Bible saving faith is engendered through the preaching of the Gospel and consists essentially in reliance upon the Gospel promises, Eom. 10, 17; Mark 1, 15; 16, 15. 16. Every other kind of trust is confidence in a man-made foundation and therefore a fictitious faith.

But right here Calvinism and Bomanism meet to disavow the Scripture doctrine of saving faith. Bomanism, on account of its rejection of the sola gratia, is forced to trust in infused grace (gratia infusa, t. e., sanctification, good works) for salvation; Calvinism, on account of its rejection of the gratia universalis, is likewise compelled to trust in sanctification for assurance of salvation (interior illuminatio). Romanism makes the mistake of claiming that divine grace is infused into the sinner ex opere operate), or without faith on the part of man; Calvinism makes the equally great mistake of teaching that the Holy Spirit works regeneration or faith immediately, or without the means of grace. The departure from Scripture in either case is evident and, consistently maintained, makes saving faith impossible, since it assigns to it a false foundation, sc. gratia Dei in nobis, or the sanctified heart.

However, saving faith and saving grace are correlatives, and he who perverts the one is bound to pervert also the other. As Romanism and Calvinism pervert the doctrine of saving faith by resting faith upon a good quality in man, so they also pervert the doctrine of saving grace (gratia salvifica). Both regard saving grace not as God’s gracious disposition toward the sinner for Christ’s sake (Dei favor gratuitus), but rather as God’s gracious sanctifying operation in the heart, known in the one case as gratia infusa (Romanism) and in the other as interior illuminatio (Calvinism).

This is true despite the fact that many Reformed theologians expressly state that the object of the sinner’s trust is the Dei favor gratuitus. What they teach in theory they retract in practise, especially whenever they are obliged to comfort a sinner who is alarmed about his state of grace. Since they deny universal grace and the objective reconciliation of the whole world through the death of Christ, they must point the sinner who is looking for assurance of salvation to divine grace as this is active in his heart, or to “the present experience of Christ’s presence and indwelling, corroborated by active service and purity of life” (Strong). For additional assurance they point, moreover, to the supposed fact that the Holy Ghost, once granted to the believer, can never be lost. But both these doctrines are man-made, and so the assurance of salvation derived from them is likewise man-made and therefore nugatory and vain.


And Calvinists differ from Lutherans not in maintaining the sola gratia, but in denying universal grace. But if the Christian believer, on the basis of Scripture, maintains both the gratia universalis and the sola gratia, then indeed the mystery remains : Why are some elected and others not ? ( Cur alii, alii nonf Cur alii prae aliisf) This mystery the true Christian believer does not try to solve since it belongs to God’s unsearchable judgments and His ways which are past finding out, Rom. 11, 33 — 36. But he keeps all his thoughts on the doctrines of eternal election, conversion, and salvation within the revealed teaching of Scripture : He who is saved is saved alone by grace ; he who is lost perishes through His own unbelief, Hos. 13, 9. Prom any attempt to solve the mystery which is involved in the doctrine of eternal election he will abstain all the more, since God’s Word tells him that he now knows in part, but that in heaven he shall know even as also he is known, 1 Cor. 13, 12.

平安。关于阿民念主义和加尔文主义,我上个主日证道中特别提到一个问题,放在这里与大家分享。人神合作说实际上就是肉身成道的异教,会摧毁基督徒的教会生活。这是人类文明的一个普遍现象。猪说:我比你圣洁。于是中国不需要教会,美国不去教会,甚至控告教会。而限定救恩论必然引领教会中选民对弃民的阶级斗争,这是教会内战进而也是人类内战的意识形态基础。双重预定与古代中国的君子小人说以及现代中国的阶级斗争学说一脉相承。因此 ,阿民念主义个加尔文主义两种人本主义教会都会变成吃人的邪教;因此,宗教改革同时是人类的改革。这不是我们的工作,这是圣灵的感动。愿主耶稣基督的恩惠,神的慈爱,圣灵的感动,常与你们众人同在。阿门。











后来有人说杨乃武小白蔡还活着,至少他们的器官还活着;网络争吵杨葛之肾可能还活在某位嫔妃的身体里。从严从快和冰天雪地为网民提供了更为惨烈的想象空间。古代中国有四大发明:殉葬、凌迟、小脚(妻妾成群)、腐败封建制(郡县制与大一统)。随着科学的进步,我们又看见了第五大发明:夺肾……近年的进展可以参考以下文献: ……特别值得强调的是附录的文件……读每一个字,好痛!身体和灵魂正在被切割。肾在哪里,按依法治国的基本逻辑说,真相近在咫尺,唾手可得。只是我今天要向太平洋两岸转述另外一个真相;不是象征,而是事实。耶稣说:这是我的身体,为你们舍的(马太福音26:26;马可福音14:22;路加福音22:19;哥林多前书11:24);于是,“惟有一个兵拿枪扎他的肋旁,随即有血和水流出来”(约翰福音19:34)。已经成全的咒诅和救赎,在东方和世界仍然是未尽事宜。2017年即将开始,亲爱的弟兄姐妹,我的骨肉之亲,“你们要看见一个婴孩,包着布,卧在马槽里,那就是记号了”(路加福音2:12)。阿门。




































任牧您好!我是一个住在美东的姐妹。最近半年迷上CSMP 的课程。非常感动 经常听的泪流满面。想知道您可以介绍一些儿童或青少年的读物给孩子们吗?除了CS Lewis 仿佛不知道什么别的了。非常感谢。Blessings,Helen







平安。这是路德的名言:所有异端邪教都源出“神岂是真说”。有的时候我们只是摘要“神岂是真说”这句话,也是提喻创世纪3:1-6整段魔鬼与夏娃的对话。你的敏感是对的,“岂是真说”后面的每一句话都非常险恶,那些蛇言都是“岂是真说”的一部分。实际上我曾在一篇讲章中谈到过魔鬼的三句话指向了人类三大文明主流:泛神论怀疑主义(神岂是真说);无神论相对主义(不一定死);人神论人本主义(你们便如神)。另外我非常感动你对“夏娃产难”的看见,只是我祈祷那用复活安慰马利亚的神,也安慰普天下的母亲:“西面给他们祝福,又对孩子的母亲马利亚说,这孩子被立,是要叫以色列中许多人跌倒,许多人兴起。又要作毁谤的话柄。叫许多人心里的意念显露出来。你自己的心也要被刀刺透”(路加福音2:34);“这些人,同着几个妇人,和耶稣的母亲马利亚,并耶稣的弟兄,都同心合意地恒切祷告”(使徒行传1:14)。我正计划下一届CSMP课程开讲创世纪,会进一步详细解释这段至关重要的信息。请为我和我们祷告,and also with you。


误会弟兄2016-12-07 21:03:13说:最近一则新闻刷爆了华人的微信圈,这则新闻隐含了基督教的背景。虽然事件的余波仍在扩散中,但事件的基本事实已经结束。当事人名叫罗尔,是一位在基督教深圳堂受洗的弟兄。他曾在回应某些人时说过,“宏扬基督教精神”发起募的目的之一。 (见下页) 任牧师愿意的话,恳请在主里给予指导的意见。这起“罗尔事件”按照任牧的一贯的教导,应该定性为吃人事件。也就是说,这是一起正在发生的吃人事件;更具体地说,(至少在表面上)是一起外邦华人以一位基督教弟兄为大餐的饕餮狂欢。不知道事件的后续会不会波及基督教,或是以怎样的方式波及基督教。 对这样一位弟兄,应该持怎样的态度?踏上一只脚,与众人同分一杯羹;或是划清界线,分别为圣,以免玷污了基督的身体;还是向他展露“圣母马利亚”的笑容,送去贴心的温暖? 若是有外邦人谈起罗尔事件,问及基督救人的福音,该如何回应?这个问题,对于藐视福音的人,自可随机应变予以回击;如果是慕道友呢? 如果(假设性的场景)罗尔是任牧教会的一位弟兄,您会怎样处置呢?










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