


在我个人看来,基督徒在文化上的追求是值得鼓励的一个方向。在近代以前,教会聚集着人类最有才华者,这仅仅从来华传教士大部分都是科学家或饱学之士这一现象上就可见一斑。现代以来,内部的反智主义思潮和外部的非基文化运动不断蚕食教会的生命,在这种情况下,教会的复兴也包含着教会在文化上的崛起。这在真理上也有充分的根据。一方面,“敬畏耶和华是知识的开端”(箴言  1:7a),另一方面,属灵征服需要基督徒、特别是传道人有更好的知识装备。这知识当然首先是信仰真理,但也必然包括各样“通识”。

所以经上说:“我也以我的灵充满了他,使他有智慧,有聪明,有知识,能作各样的工”。(出埃及记  31:3)。神所使用和差遣的,祂要装备。在但以理书中,“这四个少年人,神在各样文字学问上(学问原文作智慧),赐给他们聪明知识”。(但以理书1:17)。在旧约最后一卷书中,先知说:“祭司的嘴里当存知识,人也当由他口中寻求律法,因为他是万军之耶和华的使者”(玛拉基书  2:7)。在新约中,耶稣很清楚地反对“反智”者:“你们律法师有祸了。因为你们把知识的钥匙夺了去。自己不进去,正要进去的人,你们也阻挡他们”(路加福音11:52)。所以保罗为福音的缘故多次赞扬或鼓励弟兄们“充足了诸般的知识”(罗马书  15:14)、“口才知识都全备”(哥林多前书1:5)、“所积蓄的一切智慧知识,都在他里面藏着”(歌罗西书  2:3)。保罗说:“我所祷告的,就是要你们的爱心,在知识和各样见识上,多而又多”(腓立比书  1:9)。这正是我们在这里所应祷告的,正如彼得对我们的劝勉:“正因这缘故,你们要分外地殷勤。有了信心,又要加上德行。有了德行,又要加上知识”(彼得后书  1:5)。




A 特别推荐

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B 其他

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75、《基督教信仰正解》,(英)路易士(Clive Staples Lewis,1898~1963)著,廖永祥译,东南亚神学院台湾分会出版。

76、Encyclopaedia Judaica,  Jerusalem,1972。

77、Theater of His Glory: Nature  the Natural Order in the Thought of John Calvin。 by Susan E. Schreiner,University Of Chicago Press,1994. 也可参考:The Hidden God: The Hiding of the Face of God in the Old Testament, Samuel E. Balentine,Author(s) of Review: Patrick D. Miller, Jr., Journal of Biblical Literature, 1986。

78、Man In Revolt: A Christian Anthropolohy, Emil Brunner, Translated by Olive Wyon, London, 1939。

79、Clark H. Pinnock, Richard Rice, John Sanders, William Hasker, and David Basinger. The Openness of God (InterVarsity, 1994). Or Gregory A. Boyd, God of the Possible: A Biblical Introduction to the Open View of God (Baker Book House, 2000). John Sanders, The God Who Risks: A Theology of Providence (InterVarsity Press, 1998). Bruce A. Ware, God’s Lesser Glory: The Diminished God of open theism (Crossway Books, 2001). Bruce A. Ware, Their God is Too Small: open theism and the Undermining of Confidence in God (Crossway Books, 2003).

80、The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon,by Francis Brown, with the cooperation of S.R.Driver and Charles A.Briggs,Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.Ninth Printing—September 2005。pp.304。

81、Fundamental Biblical Bebrew, Andrew H. Bartelt, Published by Concordia Academic Press,2000。

82、Luther: The Bondage of the Will, 1525。

83、Os Guiness, Dining With the Devil: The Megachurch Movement Flirt With Modernity .John T. Pless, 1994。

84、《基督教释经学手册》,格兰-奥斯邦 (Grant R. Osborne) 著,刘良淑译,校园书房出版社出版,1993年。

85、Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, John Peter Lange, 1960。

86、 A homiletic commentary on the gospel according to St. Mathew,  Rev. w. Sunderland Lews. M. A. and Rev. Henry M. Booth。

87、The book of concord: the confessions of the Evangellcal Lutheran, Augsburg Fortress. Edited by Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert. 1941。

88、The Archor Bible dictionnary David-Noel Freedman etc. 1992。

89、The Interpreter’s Bible, George。Archur Buttrick, 1951。

90、The International Standard Bible Encyclopadedia 2, James ORR, M.A., D.D., 1929.

91、Harpper’s Bible Dictionary, Paul J. Achtemeier, 1817。

92、Dictionary of the Bible, Janes Hastings, 1963

94、What Does This Mean: Principles of Biblical Interpretation In The Post-Modern World, James W. Voelz, 1977。

95、Nahum M.Sarna,Exploring Exodus: The Heritage of Biblical Israel. New York: Schocken Books, 1986。

96、The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon,by Francis Brown, with the cooperation of S.R.Driver and Charles A.Briggs,Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. Ninth Printing—September 2005。

97、Fundamental Biblical Bebrew, Andrew H. Bartelt, Published by Concordia Academic Press,2000。

98、Papias,AD 130,Interpretation of Our Lord’s Declarations。

99、Justin Martyr:Dialogue with Trypho, 参考:Archambault, Georges. Justin: Dialogue avec Tryphon. Paris: Picard, 1909.Falls, Thomas. Saint Justin Martyr. Fathers of the Church 6. New York: Christian Heritage, Inc., 1948。Marcovich, Miroslav. Justini Martyris Dialogus cum Tryphoni. New York: De Gruyter, 1997。

100、陈希曾《基督徒成长的道路——旷野四十二站》,2002-2006 好消息卫星电视台制作。

101、Morgan, G. Campbell. The Gospel According to Luke. New York: Flemming H. Revell Company, 1931.

102、The Census of Quirinius in the time of Herod the Great Baker,1994。

103、Turner, Grammatical Insights into the New Testament、Ben Witherington, New Testament History、William Temple, Readings in St. John’s Gospel、Paul Barnett, Jesus and the Rise of Early Christianity。

104、The Stones Cry Out: How Archaeology Reveals the Truth of the Bible。Randall Price. 1997。

105、A new Concordance to the Holy Bible, King James Vesion, New York, 1960.

106、The Eerdmans Analytical Concordance to the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Richard E Whitaker, etc. Grand Rapids, 1988.

107、The NIV Exhaustive Concordance, Edward W. Gooddrick  John R. KohlenbergerIII, Grand Rapids, 1990.

108、Catechesis for Life in the Royal Priesthood, John T. Pless, 1994。

109、 Lutheran Catechesis: A Guide to Catechesis for the Lutheran Catechumen and Family, Peter C. Bender, Chelsea, Michigan, 1986。

110、Encyclopedia Biblical: A Critical Dictionary of the Literary Political and Religious History the Archeology, Geography and Natural History of the Bible. Edited by the Rev. T. K Eheyne, DZ, TT., D.D. and J. Sutherland Black, M.A., LL.D. London, 1914.

111、The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: An illustrated Encyclopedia. George Arthur Buttrick Edited, New York, 1962.

112、The Method and Message of Mark. Augustine Stock, OSB, Wilmington, 1989.

113、The Zondervon  Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume II , General editor Merill C. Tenney, Grand Rapids, 1975.

114、Harmony of Matthew, Mark, Luke: Calvin’s Commentaries Volume XV1, Gran Rapids, 1979,P183-201.

115、The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Volume 2, General editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, Grand Rapids, 1982.

116、The Gospel Of Mark, john R. Donahue, S.J. and Daniel J. Harrington, S.J., Collegeville, 2002.

117、The Book of Concord, translated and edited by Theodore G. Tappert, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1959.

118、A new Concordance to the Holy Bible, King James Vesion, New York, 1960.

119、The Eerdmans Analytical Concordance to the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Richard E Whitaker, etc. Grand Rapids, 1988.

120、The NIV Exhaustive Concordance, Edward W. Gooddrick  John R. KohlenbergerIII, Grand Rapids, 1990.

121、The Gospel Of Mark, John R. Donahue, S.J. and Daniel J. Harrington, S.J., Collegeville, 2002.

122、The Anchor Bible Mark: A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary, C.S. Mann, New York, 1986.

123、Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible Vol. V, New York, 1721

124、New Testament Commentary, Exposition of the Gospel According to Mark, William Hendriksen, Grand Rapids, 1987.

125、Hummel, Horace. The Word becoming Flesh. St. Louis: Concordia, 1979.

126、每日研经丛书-箴言注释,艾特坎 著,古乐人 译, 基督教文艺出版社2000年6月香港版。

127、A Dictionary of Christ and Gospel, Volume 1, edited by James Hastings, D.D. etc.

128、Dictionary of the Bible, Dealing with its language, Literature and contents, Including the Biblical theology, edited by James Hastings, etc.

129、The Anchor Bible: proverbs, Ecclesiastes, R. B. Y. Scott, New York, 1965.

130、Commentary on the OT, in ten Volumes, C. F. Kell and F. Delitzsch, Translated from German by James Martin, Volume VI, 1975.

131、J. Barr, Comparative Philogy and the Text of the OT, 1968. Macro, VIII, s.v, “Semitic Language”。

132、Encyclopaedia Judaicam XIV, s.v.  “Semitic Language”(C, Rabin)

133、E. Ullendorf, Is Biblical Hebrew a Language? Studies in Semitic Language and Civilizations, 1977。

134、T. Boman, Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek, Eng. Tr. 1960.

135、A.R. Johnson, Vitality of the Individual in the thought of Ancient Israel, 1949


137、Calvin’s Commentaries, Gran Rapids, 1979。

138、Theology Dictionary of the OT, Volome X, edited by G. Johannes Botterweck, Helmer Ringgrem, and Heinz-Josef Febry, translated by Douglas W. Stott,1999。

139、The Zonedervan Picturial Encyclopedia of the Bible. General editor: Merrill C. Jenny, 1975。

140、The Interpreter’s Dictionary of The Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. George Arthur Buttrick, New York, 1962。

141、Titus Flavius Josephus:War of the Jews, or Jewish War, or Jewish Wars, or History of the Jewish War (commonly abbreviated JW, BJ or War) 。 Antiquities of the Jews, or Jewish Antiquities, or Antiquities of the Jews/Jewish Archeology (frequently abbreviated AJ, AotJ or Ant. or Antiq.) 。Flavius Josephus Against Apion, or Against Apion, or Contra Apionem, or Against the Greeks, on the antiquity of the Jewish people (usually abbreviated CA) 。中文读者可参考:保罗梅尔(Maier, Paul L)编译、王志勇中译:《约瑟夫著作精选》,北京大学出版社,2004年。

142、What Luther says: A practical In-Home Anthology for the Active Christian, Compiled by Edwald M. Plass, 1959。


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